What does Gabe Newell of Valve and Linux creator Linus Torvalds have to tell us about Linux games?

Most Linux users loved Valve's inclusion of the system as a gaming platform, but some, especially those who advocate the exclusive use of free software, didn't think this was a great idea. Regardless of which side you identify with, it is interesting to note what two of the key players in this situation think about the subject.

Most Linux users loved Valve's inclusion of the system as a gaming platform, but some, especially those who advocate the exclusive use of free software, didn't think this was a great idea. Regardless of which side you identify with, it is interesting to note what two of the key players in this situation think about the subject.

Linux and Games

Our editor Gabriel da Costa has subtitled a compiled video where Gabe Newell, creator of Valve, and Linus Torvalds, creator of the Linux kernel, talk about Linux in the gaming world and how they expect it to make Linux on the desktop. growing up, the video was produced by "The Linux Foundation".


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