What does FY mean in TikTok? Meet 5 grias from the social network | Social networks

Hashtags like #FY or #FYP, #POV and #IB are very popular on TikTok, whether in the comments section or in the video caption on the social network. Griases can confuse newcomers to the Android and iPhone (iOS) application, as the terms are used in very specific contexts on TikTok. The following list explains what these expressions mean, in addition to explaining how to use them on the social network.

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List explains what FY in TikTok and other hashtags from the Chinese video social network Photo: Marvin Costa / dnetcList explains what FY in TikTok and other hashtags from the Chinese video social network Photo: Marvin Costa / dnetc

List explains what FY in TikTok and other hashtags from the Chinese video social network Photo: Marvin Costa / dnetc

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1. What does TikTok mean?

The word "TikTok" comes from the onomatopoeia ticking, which imitates the noise made by watches. The term is also used to mark actions over a period of time. The name of the social network makes reference to the users' short clips, which are the attraction of TikTok. It is possible to publish only short videos through the application, with a maximum duration of 15 to 60 seconds.

Learn what TikTok means in Portuguese Photo: Ana Letcia Loubak / dnetcLearn what TikTok means in Portuguese Photo: Ana Letcia Loubak / dnetc

Learn what TikTok means in Portuguese Photo: Ana Letcia Loubak / dnetc

2. What is #FY (or #FYP) in TikTok?

The TikTok criteria for choosing the videos displayed in the "For You" tab is a mystery. The "For You" page on TikTok features, algorithmically, clips that you are supposed to enjoy watching. In an attempt to promote posts on this tab, users use the hashtags #FY or #FYP in the post caption. The terms refer to for you and for your page (in Portuguese: for you, for your page). It is not yet known whether this relationship established by the app or if, in fact, it works.

The tag #FY on TikTok used to give more visibility to posts Photo: Reproduo / Emanuel ReisThe tag #FY on TikTok used to give more visibility to posts Photo: Reproduo / Emanuel Reis

The tag #FY on TikTok used to give more visibility to posts Photo: Reproduo / Emanuel Reis

3. What to flop on TikTok?

If hitar means to be successful, flop it means the opposite: to fail. This term is widely used in social networks, including TikTok. When a video does not go viral and receives few views, likes and comments, that is to say it flopped.

For this reason, users are looking for ways to make their posts reach success and popularity, that is, to hit. "If you flop, it never existed" is also a common phrase on other social networks, and is used when a person starts a chain and is afraid that no one will answer it.

The term "flopping" is also used in TikTok for unsuccessful publications Photo: Reproduo / Emanuel ReisThe term "flopping" is also used in TikTok for unsuccessful publications Photo: Reproduo / Emanuel Reis

The term "flopping" is also used in TikTok for unsuccessful publications Photo: Reproduo / Emanuel Reis

4. What does #POV mean in TikTok?

The #POV videos (acronym for point of view, "Portuguese point of view) are a kind of post created by TikTok users. POVs focus on making the viewer part of the content, so that he is placed as a character in the video.

#POV videos generally address subjects that I will assign a role to the viewer. The theme is broad, ranging from horror to adolescent fantasies. This modality has been successful in creating an illusion of interaction between those who watch and those who produce the video.

#POV on TikTok means "point of view" Photo: Reproduo / Emanuel Reis#POV on TikTok means "point of view" Photo: Reproduo / Emanuel Reis

#POV on TikTok means "point of view" Photo: Reproduo / Emanuel Reis

5. What does #IB mean in TikTok?

#IB is also a tag that causes a little confusion for newcomers to TikTok. She is short for inspired by (inspired by, in Portuguese). The term is used to credit a profile when you decide to play a video similar to or similar to his. The objective is to make clear the origin of the idea by mentioning the other profile, so that people can access it.

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