Want to buy or sell? Check out our updated Apple Used table!

Some may not know it, but for years we have been offering you a notary Used Apple which serves as a price reference for buying and selling Apple products.

We seek to update this table annually to reflect changes in the market. The last update we had made to it was in December 2017, so we took advantage of the end of the year and the recent releases to give a nice overview on all the numbers in the table.

As always, some very old products have been removed from the list; others, new ones, have been added. It is worth remembering that we have not included, in the table, models that are still marketed directly by Apple – in this case, the company itself already indicates the basis of the product price.

Obviously, all the values ​​on the page are estimates, they are not absolute and nobody is obliged to follow them to the letter. But, in case you find something very “out of the curve”, contact us!

Buy and sell at Brused!

You know Brused? We are talking about a company with more than four years of experience in buying, selling or exchanging used electronic devices (iPhones, iPads, Macs, Apple Watches, Apple TVs… in addition to devices from brands like Samsung, Motorola, LG, Sony and others ). The company has an online store and two more physical stores in São Paulo.

Brused logo

She is the newest partner of MacMagazine for buying or selling used cars. So, if you want to sell your used product safely (run away from the many scams that run the Brazilian market, unfortunately) and quickly (being able to receive your money in up to one business day), make a quote with Brused!

We are talking about a company that buys your product to resell (an intermediary / facilitator), so don’t expect to get the same values ​​if you choose to sell the product on the market. Comparatively, it is as if you are selling your car to a dealer; you lose a little in the quote, but you gain in agility and security. It’s a decision that only you can make, based on your assessment – but it’s great to have it as an option, without a doubt! ?

All devices sold by Brused have the proper invoices issued, 90 days warranty and free shipping! You can buy online or at one of the physical stores.