Use your voice to send messages on WhatsApp!

Google Now has several voice commands, from simple ones like asking how high temperature to even more complex ones interacting with other apps. For example, you can send messages to WhatsApp contacts through Google Now, here's how.

As expected from a personal assistant, the process is quite simple, although some confirmations are required. There are basically two commands for this:

  • "Send (message text) to (contact name) by WhatsApp" (or some slight variation thereof) and
  • "Send WhatsApp Message", "(Contact Name)" and "(Message Text)".
whatsapp now
WhatsApp text messaging is simple to send via Google Now. / ANDROIDPIT

Both commands require submit confirmation, a simple "Yes" or tapping the submit button will do that. The process is fast, and it is not necessary to touch the device to send messages. However, I still find it faster to type or send audio clips. In addition, of 10 messages, one was not sent.

Install on Google Play

Commands work for Whatsapp, Hangouts, and Telegram; Facebook Messenger is not recognized by Google Now.

What are your favorite Google Now commands?

. (tagsToTranslate) WhatsApp (t) hangouts (t) google now (t) voice commands (t) messengers