Unicode proposes 51 more new emojis scheduled to arrive in 2017

If you keep asking yourself "how far will emojis go", I suggest you just stop trying to find out. This is because they do not appear to be decreasing in popularity; on the contrary, the family is getting bigger every day!

O Unicode Consortium, this time, proposed the arrival of more 51 new emojis in Unicode 10 (we are currently at 9), as shown in Emojipedia.

Emojis 2017

As can be seen in the image above, some of the emojis will be: bearded man, giraffe, drinking glass, breastfeeding woman, face making silence sign (“shh”), pie, vampire, face with star eyes, flying saucer, pretzel , woman with hijab and zebra these names are not the official ones.

One of the most interesting things about the constant expansion of emojis, certainly, is the increased concern with the representativeness of men, women, different cultures, etc. In this wave, for example, I will add a hand making the symbol of “I love you” ("I love you") in ASL, which was requested a lot more, it would be beautiful if it had the whole alphabet, n? #fikdik. Others that were also asked a lot are the face with hearts around it, the smiley “Cursing” (with symbols covering his mouth), another making a crazy face (crazy eyes), one smiling with his hands in his mouth, among others.

In addition to the infamous little faces, 10 foods like broccoli, coconut and sandwich, some animals and even dinosaurs will also arrive at Unicode. The complete list (only names in English), you can check it here (PDF).

The new emojis are expected to be released to the public in mid-2017. By then, it is possible that they will emerge beyond these.

(via AppleInsider)