Ubuntu 12.10 vs Windows 7: Considerable Improvement in Graphics Acceleration with NVidia Cards

NVidia cards now perform pretty much the same on Ubuntu and Windows

Windows 7 vs Ubuntu 12.10

This comparative image taken by Phoronix does not show the performance of Ubuntu, Kubuntu and Windows using 3 NVidia card models running the Open Arena game at a resolution of 2560×1600.

The recurring subject, Drivers. Kernel Modules If you want to get a better look at Linux, one of the biggest complaints from Linuxers, especially gamers, that the two major GPU video card and acceleration companies, Nvia and ATI, were paying little attention to Linux and Linux. OpenGL-compatible drivers were much lower in performance than those used in Windows for example.

The new comparison still shows us better performing Windows (of course!) Than Linux, but with a few points of difference what a big breakthrough.

This year has been really good for Linux, big corporations have entered the penguin territory and attracted a lot of attention, Valve bringing games and Steam and still claiming that OpenGL is faster than DirectX, Intel giving virtually absolute support to their processors and integrated graphics chips, another noteworthy detail is that by testing the KDE graphics environment performs better than Unity.

The tests were done with an Intel i7 Ivy Bridge processor with 8GB of memory.

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