This site has more than 36 thousand Flash games and you can play them all for free

Do you remember the golden age of flash games? From sites like Newgrounds, Jogos10, Miniclip and hundreds of similar ones? Some of these platforms are still open, but as of December 31, 2020, almost all browsers will no longer support Flash. However, the games will continue to be available thanks to Flashpoint, a project that saved more than 36,000 games from extinction.

AAdobe announced in 2017 that it would no longer support the format. The company has spent the past three years working with companies in the technology sector to smooth the transition, but the truth is that while many games have moved to HTML5 or Unity, many continue and will continue to be based on Flash – which is exactly what Flashpoint enters.

The project ends up saving a large part of the history of video games. The created platform allows you to download and play all the saved titles and can also suggest new games to those responsible who are available to continue to store.

The team also showed itself available to remove games from the list, in case the creators of them play the role, but it seems that not much resistance is being shown by them.