The origin of the name Fedora

The origin of the name Fedora

The creation of the Fedora Core Project has brought many polemics to the LinuxBrasil community. One of them was undoubtedly the choice of the name of the successor of the Red hat (Red hat). Fedora It is a name quickly associated with the Portuguese word "fedor", but its very distinct origin. Fedora It is nothing more than a classic hat model from the early 20s. The traditional fedora has a creased lenghtwise, standard compressed crown and somewhat curved denim. Denim has a variety in sizes that can be snapped up or down. There is usually a range of approximately two inches that circles the crown. Over time, fedora has become a popular term for a family of hats in many colors, wide jean and crown heights. Fedora has been a favorite of many politicians and presidents. Many Hollywood films have used the glamor and charisma of this classic hat. After this little analysis, we note that there is not a big difference in the symbolism of the RedHat and Fedora brands, given that the little red riding hood that inspires so much love and hate is a Fedora Classic. I take the opportunity to invite those who do not yet know this distribution, to read about it and if it is possible to use it, so I will realize, as I realized, that Fedora has far surpassed its predecessor and has a beautiful way to go. front. Founder of blog and channel Diolinux, passionate about technology and games.