The Firm, Beat Cop, Image Crop and more!

Deals of the day on the App Store: The Firm, Beat Cop, Image Crop and more!

Check out our selection of App Store promotions this Tuesday!

The Firm it’s a game Arcadian within the stock market.

You must act quickly, with the right measures and focus on your organization’s goals. According to your performance, you progress in the company, and you can even become the CEO. If the way is the other way around, have no doubt that your place is not in the firm.

The Firm app icon

Nota on the App Store

My grade

Check out a video of the game:

Analyze the market, define your actions and achieve business success!

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Below are other applications / games that together add up almost R $ 74 discount:

IOS Apps

Beat Cop app icon

Not everything is as it seems.

Safety Photo + Video app icon

Utility for storing photos.

StompBox app icon

Music utility.

Textify - Watch Keyboard app icon

Keyboard on your Apple Watch.

MacOS app

Image Crop - Batch Crop Photos app icon

Utility for images.

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Enjoy the offers and see you tomorrow! Ah, remembering that they are always for a limited time, so it’s good to run. ?