TeK Competition: The 5 most commented proposals

Some of the monitors of TeK readers who participated in the competition are tragic cases and the texts, images and videos sent managed to capture the attention of hundreds of readers who actively commented, participating in the choice of the best among more than 30 competitors.

Only the five with the most comments on the page defined with their participation will make it to the second phase of the competition, with the jury constituted by Liscic and the TeK team choosing what really deserves to receive a brand new monitor.

The decision will be published next Wednesday, July 7, after 6 pm.

Below is the list of the 5 participants selected by the readers’ comments.

List of selected for the final stage

Jorge H. Moniz Ribeiro

  TeK Competition

Claudio Pereira

  TeK Competition

Joana Guiomar

Image name

Carlos Correia (Video)

Hugo Silva

My monitor is retrograde, it’s from the last century, the image trembles, to color it you need to pat it, when you are tired, turn it off by yourself and it is very small and that’s why I need a brand new one.

Note: This entry is text only