Stop Contagion: the DGS game that teaches everything there is to know about the coronavirus

The Directorate-General for Health created a game to test people's knowledge of the coronavirus.

The game is called "Stop Contgio" and was made with users of all ages in mind. In short, it is a small illustrated quiz, with two levels of difficulty, where you can check whether you really know what there is to know about Covid-19, including how it spreads and the behaviors to be followed during the pandemic.

The premise of the game is to prevent the virus from spreading all over the world. For every wrong answer, an infected continent.

tek stop contgio

The questions are asked in order to remind you of the practices recommended by the World Health Organization and the DGS and some more scientific information about the coronavirus.

At a time when information is one of the best weapons at our disposal, we advise you to try the game through this link.

Remember that this is not the first Portuguese game on the topic. Mindflow launched a similar proposal last week. The startup based at the Pedro Nunes Institute, in Coimbra, explains that it gathered a set of information from DGS and WHO about what the coronavirus is, the care to be taken and some of its consequences.