Steve Wozniak will be able to show up at this Macworld Expo

Macworld! Macworld! Macworld! The year is ending and I'm looking forward to seeing what surprises we will have in this next (and, who knows, the last) issue. The MacMagazine will be there and we will be able to count on news at first hand. Expectations part about some type of Steve Jobs' participation in the event, the other Steve who helped him found Apple has already confirmed his participation. Wozniak, who joined Axiotron's board of directors this month, together with Andrea Haas, the company's chief executive, will reveal the company's latest launches on 6 January.

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Axiotron will present a Modbook even more turbocharged and should present the latest innovations developed by its team. It also promises to revive an old passion aroused by the revolutionary Newton, Apple's first PDA / tablet, by including Quickscript in its product, a new handwriting recognition software. Haas will also present a brief and unique view of how the company's development process takes place, while Wozniak will be responsible for the approach taken and how it can bridge the gap between important discoveries from the past and future innovations.

"I'm looking forward to seeing Steve's participation in Macworld," said Haas. “His excitement about our Modbook has been rewarding and inspiring. As Newton MessagePad enthusiasts, Woz and I share the desire to bring back some of those powerful features, which have been dormant for too long, and I am delighted to present a little of what we have been working on. ”

(Via: AppleInsider.)