Servo – Samsung and Mozilla work on a new browser for Android

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<p>Mozilla announced a partnership with Samsung to develop a project, the <strong>Servant</strong>, Which will lead to a new generation of browsers, for devices equipped with the Android operating system and ARM processors.</p><div class='code-block code-block-1' style='margin: 8px auto; text-align: center; display: block; clear: both;'>

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The news reveals the great interest of Mozilla in the smartphone wave, either with the launch of its own Firefox operating system, or in this case, through a new browser adapted to these devices. This new partnership that caught the public and the press by surprise is intended to propel a worthy successor to the Gecko engine and be a benchmark for mobile device browsers. Note that Mozilla seems focused on working with smartphones anyway. The first smartphones with Firefox OS were introduced just a few months ago.

The purpose of this unexpected ambitious alliance. Rebuild the fundamentals of a web browser rooted in modern hardware. It is precisely in this respect that Samsung will be most useful for Mozilla. In fact, the South Korean company provides the necessary infrastructure for the Servo project to be developed using the Rust programming language.

Although the release date for this new browser has not been announced, everything points towards the end of 2013 for project development and to stabilize Rust, which is not yet considered completely stable.

Sources: The Next Web, Mozilla Blog

. (tagsToTranslate) Servant (t) Browser (t) Samsung (t) Mozilla (t) ARM (t) Android (t) Browser