Recent updates on the App Store: Viber, Telegram Messenger, Shazam, Instashare and more!

Below are some of the prominent apps and / or games we've selected that were recently updated on App Store or on Mac App Store.

Today we have:

App Store

Viber Messenger app icon

Support for iOS 8 with interactive notifications and sharing extension, design changes and improvements for a faster and more intuitive experience.

Telegram Messenger app icon

Determine who can see your Last Access time, search and send animated GIFs, and more.

Shazam app icon

Now optimized for iPhones 6 and 6 Plus.

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Incorporates background synchronization.

Pocket app icon

Dynamic Font Compatibility added now the text in Pocket reflects the font size defined in iOS, support for 1Password and improvements in the sharing extension.

Google Chrome app icon

Fixes a split keyboard issue on iPads, in addition to improving stability.

Snapchat app icon

Introducing Snapcash, which allows users 18 and older in the United States to send money to their friends via Snapchat.

Minecraft app icon

Beautiful, faster version with fewer flaws.

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Updated for iOS 8 and the new iPhones.

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Support for landscape mode on iPads.

Instashare Air Drop app icon

Updated for iOS 8 with extensions and interface optimized for iPhones 6 and 6 Plus.

Mac App Store

Instashare - Transfer files app icon

Support for OS X Yosemite.