Recent updates on the App Store: Adobe, IMDb, Spotify Music and more!

Below are some of the prominent apps and / or games we've selected that were recently updated on App Store or on Mac App Store.

Today we have:

Adobe Photoshop Mix app icon - Cut, combine, create

Import your saved assets from Creative Cloud Libraries and add Photoshop documents, upload to Lightroom, image properties, automatic cropping and photo vibration reduction.

Adobe Comp CC app icon

Multiple selections, new object and color controls, better visualization of fonts and bug fixes.

IMDb Cinema & TV app icon

Better and faster lists, new page Your Ratings, improvements in the video player, among others.

Spotify app icon - Music and Podcasts

slightly altered cone.

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Saved filters, “Select All” and “Rotate By” operations for multiple drafts, improvements to the sharing extension and more!

Yahoo Search app icon

Simplified navigation, error correction and design improvements in general in the app, a new Local tab to easily discover and share results with friends, and a new feature to share search results on the web, by image and video.

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Addition of the Women's World Cup and America's Cup.

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All redesigned app with new layout and features.

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Same as the previous one, in its paid / complete version.

App icon 1 Second Everyday: Daily video

Support iCloud Photo Library, performance improvements, etc.

Air France app icon

Carto Flying Blue now available at any time in the Passbook, your passport within reach (take a picture of it and add it to your Espao Air France), book flights departing from new countries, among others.

Fly Delta app icon

Passport and credit card scanner, possibility to update username and password, among others.