Reading tip: the arduous process of designing packaging to sell at Apple stores

Having your product on display on the shelves of 479 Apple Retail Stores around the world is a blessing for any company, but sometimes it can also be “a pain in the ass” as you define it Marc Barros, creator of lenses Moment. The manufacturer is one of the most recent recipients of an invitation to sell its products (lenses and iPhone cases) in Ma stores.

As is well known, Apple has a great curatorship to select third party accessories to be sold in their physical spaces and, even after being chosen, their packaging must follow a series of strict guidelines so that they can actually make an appearance in stores that the company recently implemented. The matter of Co.Design richly detailed the process of designing this packaging at Moment, which took much less time than usual (two weeks!) to develop something that Apple would accept.

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<p>The report also offers a good insight into the dynamics of economic relations between Ma and the manufacturers of the accessories it sells, reporting, for example, the 45-day time span saved by Apple between profit from the sale of a particular product and the due transfer of this money from the source company.</p>
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a very interesting read for those interested in the world of design, economics and, of course, Apple. I recommend!

(via The Loop)