Put the Windows "Start" button on your Android

The Windows Start button was the first launcher to reach most people: with just one click you had access to all your applications and most of the necessary settings on a daily basis, and the button so dear to users, that Microsoft had to bring it from back in Windows 10. For now you can have the start button on your Android, just install an app.

taskbar android
A little bit of Windows on your Android. / ANDROIDPIT

There are two possible versions: the app available on the Play Store adds a floating button to your screen, which can be dragged to any position you choose, and when touched opens the Start Menu.

taskbar app BRApp: A floating blue button that resembles the Windows logo. / ANDROIDPIT

The Xposed module already adds the start button to the navigation bar (only available for devices with capacitive buttons), unlike the app, in which case the "button" is the same as the launcher. The operation is the same, the only difference is the position of the "button".

taskbar xposed BRXposed: the shortcut added navigation bar./ ANDROIDPIT

You can create application folders, settings, contacts, etc. as well as in the Windows Start menu. In addition, the settings on the right of the panel can also be modified. The green rob in the lower right corner will close all running applications. The solution is very practical and keeps the screen clean, but I don't know if I can adapt to prolonged use of Taskbar.

More information about Taskbar development is on the XDA forum, by member leducbao.

To download the app, follow the link below; for Xposed, this link.

Install on Google Play

What is your opinion about Taskbar? Leave it in the comments.

. (tagsToTranslate) Windows (t) Start (t) Start (t) Android (t) button. (t) XDA (t) Taskbar