Pocket updates and brings Portuguese version – reading offline content just got easier!

Good news for those who, like me, do not have time to read every content they access on the internet: Pocket for Android has updated and now has a Portuguese version. If you don't have this perfect travel companion yet, it's worth giving the app a try as it can save your internet plan.

pocket teaser
Program Pocket can now be used also on Portuguese! / Pocket

With Pocket you can save articles, websites and other interesting content for later reading offline. This free app allows you to download photos, texts and pages from the internet, thus creating a great plan B to keep you distracted when you're out of connection. Alis, a great app to save your data plan.

Pocket offline content
Select content from other apps to access offline! / Pocket-AndroidPIT

Check out the changelog changes added to Pocket version 5.4:

  • Pocket is now translated into more languages: Chinese, Dutch, Korean, Polish and Portuguese.
  • Immersive Mode for KitKat devices and an option to hide the status bar when reading full screen on older devices.
  • Elegant layout and typography ensuring headers, images and paragraphs flow together seamlessly.
  • Automatic layout and format adjustments by adjusting text size to provide the most readable view.

And, you use Pocket, what do you think about accessing offline content?

Install on Google Play

. (tagsToTranslate) pocket (t) application android (t) english (t) offline reading