Photographs and videos show how cultural heritage is threatened by climate change

The international organization of monuments and sites (ICOMOS) wants to preserve and protect these sites and mobilizes more than 10,000 members worldwide, including architects, architects, geographers and anthropologists, but the threat of climate change requires a joint action to prevent destruction of sites and monuments identified as historic sites.

The Heritage on the Edgesurg site collaborated between ICOMOS aCyArk and Google Arts & Culture and highlights the damage being done to five UNESCO World Heritage sites, the statues of Rapa Nui on the island of Easter, the city of Bagerhat in Bangladesh, Chan Chan in Peru, Edinburgh Castle in Scotland and the town of Kilw Kisiwani in Tanzania.

These places are not only tourist destinations but also places of great historical, spiritual and cultural significance.

Altogether there are more than 50 online exhibitions, 3D models and street view tours, to which interventions with local specialists and communities are added, all with the purpose of showing what is happening to mobilize action to avoid the destruction of these places .

These sites are just an example of what is happening on the planet, but without global solutions and systematic change it will be impossible to prevent their destruction.

Heritage on the Edge