Photographer tells how it was to record the last iconic photo of Steve Jobs

There are many iconic images of Steve Jobs but there is one that has been marked since his death and that was photographed in 2006.

It is Jobs' strong black-and-white portrait with a direct, deep gaze and his hand on his chin. The photo was used on the cover of the authorized biography written by Walter Isaacson and also by Apple himself on his website, when Jobs passed away in 2011.

In the video above, the photographer Albert Watson tells how it was to record that moment. He says he had an hour to work, but he learned that Jobs detested photographers and promised to finish the job in half an hour.

I said, “I want you to lean forward a little bit towards the camera. I want you to imagine that you're at the end of a table with 4-5 other people who disagree with you, but you know you're right. ” And he replied: "This is easy for me, I do this every day."

Watson managed to release Jobs in just 20 minutes, and even won a compliment that at the time he thought it was just because he did everything so quickly. Years later, when he saw his photo printed in so many places, yes he was sure that Jobs really liked the portrait.

Too bad there is no video of making of of the occasion 😉

via The Loop