PCWorld performs stress test with iPad and concludes: buy a protective case!

Somewhat more productively than using a baseball bat, PCWorld subjected the iPad to a stress test involving accidents that can happen in everyday life and extreme situations.

First, check out the video (entitled to a priceless imitation of Jony Ive!):

(youtube) http://www.youtube/watch?v=-i5i3ozyPS8 (/ youtube)

Curious facts:

  • Donut dough can be used as a stylus!
  • Three falls on the carpet have already done a great deal of damage to the gadget's screen, rendering several rows of pixels useless: protect it with a case or be very careful.
  • The glass covering the screen is very resistant to scratches
  • unlike the rear, which, despite being matte metal (much better than the rear of iPod touch / classic!), is still relatively easy to scratch.
  • Hot liquids, such as coffee, activate screen recognition but kill the gadget in no time.
  • Falls on concrete not only happy events!

Now, a philosophical question: what is the difference between this type of destruction and what we saw in the case of the baseball bat? I would say that what PCWorld Fez has a didactic and informative content, while club guys simply need to learn how to deal with misdirected aggression.

(tip from Braviojk)