Now you can issue your CNH Digital without going to Detran [atualizado: app atualizado!]

It has been over a year since Denatran introduced, primarily to inhabitants of the Federal District and Gois, the CNH Digital; The license for the smartphone was expanded until it became available nationwide last April.

One drawback remained, however: even with the new “Physical” National Driver's License model, with the QR code printed on the inside of the fold, drivers needed to go to the nearest Detran agency to confirm their data and obtain the code to access the digital version of the document or, alternatively, to use a paid digital certificate, which basically nobody uses. Now this is no longer necessary.

From now on, by adding your CNH to the Digital Transit Wallet application, a third option joins the existing ones. By tapping the new “By Cell Phone” option, all you have to do is scan the paper CNH QR code and then perform a biometric check that consists of nothing more than pointing the device's front camera at your own. face.

Your selfieIt will then be compared with the Serpro (Federal Data Processing Service) database. Once you have verified your identity, simply enter your mobile phone number and create a four-digit password to have your CNH Digital released in the app without Detran, no digital certificate, nothing!

Remember that if your CNH is not yet the new model, with QR code, you must request a duplicate of the document (which costs around R $ 40-50, depending on the state) in Detran or simply wait until now compulsory renewal; The old template cannot be accessed by the app.

Another important detail: some unregistered drivers are currently experiencing difficulties obtaining CNH Digital access; the Ministry of Cities told the Tecnoblog that “the system update has already been requested to fix the problem” ie the update should be released soon for all users.

Update by Rafael Fischmann 12/22/2018 10:45 AM

After Serpro trolled Everyone announcing something that was not really available yet, today the Digital Traffic Wallet app for iOS has been properly updated to version 2.3 with the implementation of the novelty.

Now it seems for real!

Digital Wallet app icon