New mobile version of Chrome democratizes augmented reality on smartphones

Googlej launched the beta version of Chrome 81 for Android, Linux, Mac and Windows and is one of the biggest changes that this brings support for WebXR and web-based augmented reality.

This means that programmers now have an easy way to offer augmented reality experiences for mobile platforms, without having to resort to dedicated apps or build entire platforms from scratch to support them.

It is also important to underline that this new Chrome will support interactions via NFC, again, without the help of any external app that enables it.

Imagine, for example, in a museum, where each piece has a beacon, where you can touch the phone and receive additional context about what you are seeing. This type of interaction is already possible, but, until today, it required a special type of software that would allow it. Now, it becomes possible only with the help of a browser.

Chrome 81 will also bring some security developments. This version of the browser no longer supports the TLS 1.0 and 1.1 protocols, which still ensured navigation on some HTTPS portals. Henceforth, any website that keeps these versions active will be identified as being unsafe.