National Geographic broadcasts today a new documentary drawing a parallel between Steve Jobs and Bill Gates

In an episode of your new series "American Genius" which will air tonight, National Geographic will once again tell the parallel stories of Apple and Microsoft, from the perspective of the co-founders Steve Jobs and bill Gates.

The episode's hotsite alone is already very cool and worth a visit. It traces, in the form of an interactive infographic on a timeline, the battle for control of personal computing from 1974 to 1999.

National Geographic counted on the collaboration of Steve Wozniak (co-founder of Apple), Walter Isaacson (Steve Jobs' printing block) and others for the construction of his documentary. At a press conference according to the Business Insider , Woz cited that the big difference from Jobs to Gates is that the first was a great visionary, while the second knew how to get things done and generate revenue right away.

Check here some videos of teaser of the documentary.

(via The Loop)