Mozilla Firefox's official flatpak may arrive soon

Recently fixed bug paved the way for the official arrival at Flatpak.

The Mozilla Firefox browser is the default browser for almost every Linux distro, which is already installed by default and with its own repository. This may cause a delay in the time of updates from one version to another, but this may be the days counted.

Mozilla Firefox's official flatpak may arrive soon They may be counted because a bug that blocked sandbox deployment was related to Mozilla Taskcluster task execution. You can check here every thread. This discovery was only possible, as a reader of the Phoronix site reported them about this fix, thus paving the way for the official version of Mozilla Firefox in flatpak. This was only possible thanks to two Mozilla software engineers, Peter Moore and Mihai Tabara.

This will benefit many Flatpak distros like Fedora and Mint, as well as many others.

There is currently an unofficial Flatpak version maintained by the Fedora and Red Hat folks. You can see its installation process here. If you need to install Flatpak in your distro, just follow this tutorial.

It's nice to see that a barrier to this implementation in Mozilla Firefox is that the way it is distributed today has a limitation, or as long as it takes a distro to repackage it and make it available in repositories or binary format which can scare many people. Already being distributed in easier formats, such as Flatpak and Snap (version already available and made by Canonical people), help and much time to spread the browser.

That's what I think, now leave us in the comments, what you think of this possible coming from an official version Flatpak.

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Hope to see you next, a big hug.

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