Moto X – price comparison on operators

Moto X is Motorola's big bet and has had a very big launch in Brazil. On here Let's compare Moto X prices on the 4 major phone operators in the country: Claro, Hi, TIM and Vivo – in postpaid and prepaid plans.

Moto X homescreen
How much? / Andr Rigo / AndroidPIT

As operators do not have standard postpaid plans, an average was made by choosing the minutes for other carriers it's the monthly internet limit. The costs are those presented by sellers in official stores to new customers. All postpaid plans have unlimited calls to phones from the same carrier. With the exception of TIM, all plans have 12 month loyalty.


The plan chosen for Claro was the monthly one of R $ 217,00. It comes with 200 min for other carriers, 2GB 4G internet and Moto X is for $ 899.00. the most expensive plan, but with more minutes.


Oi's plan has a monthly payment of R $ 165.00. No has minutes for other carriers and has only 500MB of internet. In it the Moto X is for $ 999.00. the smallest data package of all.


At TIM, the plan costs R $ 100.00 (39 of the telephone plan + 61 of the data) and offers 50 minutes for other operators and 3 GB of internet. He has no loyalty, that is, has no discount on the device, which is for $ 1,499.00. the lowest monthly fee of all.


Vivo offers a plan for R $ 189.00 per month that includes: 4GB internet (up to 10Mb / s) and 100 minutes for other carriers. The Moto X is for $ 699.00. It is the largest data packet and the lowest price of the device.

Comparative table

Min to other carriers
Data package
Monthly payment
Prepaid Price
Prepaid Price
sure 200 min 2GB 217 reais 899 reais 1,798 reais
Hi 0 min 500MB 165 reais 999 reais 1,499 reais
TIM 50 mins 3GB 100 reais 1,499 reais 1,499 reais
Alive 100 min 4GB 189 reais 699 reais 1,999 reais

Total annual

Here, I compared the value of the handset plus one year with monthly x mobile without monthly and without discount.

Total Monthly + Moto X
Moto X without discount
sure R $ 3,503.00 R $ 1,798.00
Hi R $ 2,979.00 R $ 1,499.00
TIM R $ 2,699.00 R $ 1,499.00
Alive R $ 2,967.00 R $ 1,999.00

Of course there are other considerations to make: coverage area in your city, 4G quality if existing, existing carrier contracts, point discount, etc. If I were going to buy a Moto X on a postpaid plan today, it would definitely be at Vivo: in the neighborhood where I live her 4G coverage is practically the only existing one, the 4GB internet per month is quite interesting and the price is ok.

What did you think about the prices? What other smartphone would you like to see here? Let us know your opinion in the comments below.

. (tagsToTranslate) Moto X (t) Android (t) Live (t) Clear (t) TIM (t) Hi (t) Prepaid (t) Postpaid