More images of alleged pieces of the next iPhone appear

So far, the leaked parts of the next iPhone have been enough for someone to put everything together and form a possible sixth generation unit. But that does not mean that more components cannot appear, as highlighted by the French website NowhereElse (Google Translate).

Alleged leaked parts of the next iPhone

Here, a view from the other side of the same pieces:

Alleged leaked parts of the next iPhone

Several components, including some internal, external buttons (volume), tray for the Nano-SIM card and a thin layer of metal that supposedly serves as protection for the new device's 4-inch screen can be seen.

Everything suggests that we will see the new iPhone on September 12, a date widely commented by many vehicles as the official for the announcement of the new device and other possible news such as the “iPad mini” and new iPods.

(via AppleInsider)