More expensive smartphone and tablets: government wants to increase import taxes

Bad news for all of us: The federal government is considering increasing the PIS (Social Interaction Program) and Cofins (Contribution for Social Security Financing) quotas on imported products, in other words, imported smartphones and tablets will still remain. more expensive.

android angry flag
Increasingly imposed on Androids. / ANDROIDPIT

The federal government hopes to reduce the primary deficit, which closed at $ 25.5 billion in the third quarter, and instead of cutting spending, the solution found was to increase the rate of cosmetics, fuels and imports, as well as changes in the allowance. wage and unemployment insurance. Once again we will be paying for the inability to manage and change our rulers.

There is still no information on the new values ​​for PIS / Cofins, which are now 1.65% and 7.6%, respectively. However, all handsets with national production and that fit the Law of Good (national production) are exempt from the collection of these fees: smartphones up to R $ 1,500.00, routers modems up to R $ 150,00 and computers up to R $ 8,000, 00 The only hope now is that more and more companies will do like ASUS, and start producing locally. Or better yet, national companies invest in technology and manufacture quality devices such as Micromax, Karbon or even BLU, which are small OEMs that produce devices capable of competing with the giants.

How much does your smartphone cost after this?

. (tagsToTranslate) taxes (t) federal government (t) smartphones (t) tablets (t) cost Brazil (t) Brazil (t) expensive (t) price