Microsoft offers free online IT and programming courses

You may not know it, but Microsoft has a real online school with lots of classes focused on programming, development, databases, and other topics surrounding this world of information technology. And with two great attractions: all courses are free, can be completed wherever and whenever you want, and also have guaranteed certification from a certain amount of hours.

Below are some of these free courses focused on programming. To access them, simply click on the title of each module.

1. Add decision logic to your code using the if-else statement in C #

Learn how to branch your code's execution path by evaluating Boolean expressions. In this module, you will write code that evaluates conditions using the if-elseif-else statements; create boolean expressions to evaluate a condition; combine boolean expressions using logical operators; nest code blocks within other code blocks.

2. Introduction to Python

Learn how to write basic Python code, declare variables, and work with console input and output. In this module, you will explore the options available for running Python applications; use the Python interpreter to execute instructions and scripts; learn to declare variables; Create a simple Python application that uses input and produces output.

3. Call .NET Class Library methods using C #

Use functionality in the .NET Class Library by calling methods that return values, accept input parameters, and more.

In this module, you will write code that calls stateless methods in the .NET Class Library; create an instance of .NET Class Library classes to call methods that maintain state; use IntelliSense to learn more about a method, its overloaded versions, its return value data type, and its input parameter data types; use to search what a method does, its overloaded versions, its returned value type, its input parameters, and what each parameter represents, and more.

4. Create a Web API with ASP.NET Core

Create a RESTful service with ASP.NET Core that supports CRUD operations (create, read, update, and delete). In this module, you will create a Web API project with ASP.NET Core; create a memory database to maintain products; add support for CRUD operations; test Web API action methods in the command shell.

5. Introduction to Azure Kubernet Service

Determine the types of business issues that can be resolved through the Azure Kubernet Service. Describe the benefits of continence orchestration with features such as deployment management, automatic updates, and self-healing. In this module you will assess whether Azure Kubernetes Service is a Kubernetes orchestration platform suitable for you; describe how Azure Kubernet Service components work to support orchestration of computation continents.

6. Get started with C #

You want to learn a programming language, but don't know where to start? Start here! Learn the basic syntax and thinking processes needed to build simple applications using C #.

In this learning script, you record your first lines of C # code; store and manipulate data to modify its type and appearance; run the built-in functionality available in code libraries; add logic to your code to enable complex business functionality; After completing this learning roadmap, you will have an excellent foundation for creating the C # learning roadmap.

7. Write your first C # code

Begin by writing short code examples to learn the basic concepts of C # syntax. In this module, you will write your first lines of C # code; use two different techniques to print a message on a text console; diagnose errors when entering the code incorrectly; identify different elements of C # syntax, such as operators, classes, and methods.

8. Create a mobile app with Xamarin.Forms

Use Visual Studio with Xamarin.Forms to create a mobile app running on Android and iOS; No previous experience required. In this module, you will learn the basic structure of a mobile application Xamarin.Forms; define a shared user interface for Android and iOS; deploy a Visual Studio app for Android and / or iOS; dial a number from within the application.

9. Develop Web Applications with Visual Studio Code

Find out how to develop applications with Visual Studio Code and use its features to create and test a very simple web application. In this module you will discover the main features of Visual Studio Code; download and install Visual Studio Code; install extensions that enable basic web development; use the basic functionality of the Visual Studio Code editor; write and test a simple web application.

10. Create a simple website using HTML, CSS and JavaScript

Start working with web development by learning how to use HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to build a website, use browser-based developer tools to verify your work, and use Git to collaborate and recover from problems as they occur. In this module, you set up your developer environment; create files for a website; write HTML, CSS and JavaScript code; start tracking changes to your project.

11. Create a user interface for Windows 10 applications

Learn the basics of creating a user interface for Windows 10 applications on UWP or WPF platforms. In this module, you will perform these actions: design and structure the user interface; accept user input and display computed results; This module supports the UWP and WPF application development platforms.

12. Introduction to Xamarin.iOS

Use Visual Studio and Xamarin Tools to create a Xamarin.iOS application. Create a user interface in code and then provide behavior for creating a tip calculator. In this module, you will learn how to identify Xamarin.iOS tools for Visual Studio; describe the components of an iOS application; add views and behavior to an iOS app.

13. Introduction to Xamarin.Android

Build fully native Android apps to harness the power, features, and performance of the Android platform. In this module, you will create a Xamarin.Android project; break down an application into activities; create an activity user interface; write the behavior of an activity; update the Android SDK.

14. Create a simple website using HTML, CSS and JavaScript

Start working with web development by learning how to use HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to build a website, use browser-based developer tools to verify your work, and use Git to collaborate and recover from problems as they occur. In this module, you set up your developer environment; create files for a website; write HTML, CSS and JavaScript code; start tracking changes to your project.

15. Write Your First Windows 10 Application

Learn how to build applications in the most popular Windows development frameworks: UWP, WPF, and Windows Forms. In this module, you will learn how to write the same application on various Windows platforms.