Meet BOSS Linux, the system India has chosen to replace Windows

The Indian Government one more to surrender to the potential that Linux has to offer, now the country's public bodies have migrated their entire Microsoft base to BOSS Linux, let's get to know this system better?

The Indian Government one more to surrender to the potential that Linux has to offer, now the country's public bodies have migrated their entire Microsoft base to BOSS Linux, let's get to know this system better?

BOSS Linux

The Indian government has decided to reduce costs and increase security and for this they have created their own Debian based Linux distribution. The so-called BOSS Linux will be the operating system of the government and will be used on all public office machines in the country.

BOSS Linux uses Gnome Shell as its interface and loads several programs used by the Indian government, and Microsoft Office has also given way to LibreOffice. In addition to the standard desktop version there are server-specific, software-specific and educational-system versions, according to the information, there are more than 2.5 million computers and the most interesting that the government has made fully accessible systems available. the public via download.

To know the project and download go to the BOSS Linux page, Another interesting thing about the system is that the government has created documentation about it that teaches how to use the main applications, even Firefox.

When will we see something like this in Brazil?

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