Mac is Pop: Virgin America, HappySlip and… Eliana?

Following our tradition of late Sunday afternoon, I bring you three more collaborations from readers to our section Mac Pop.

This first, sent to us by Gabriel ScapinIt is somewhat ironic, since Apple competes with Virgin in several areas and is even fighting with it in justice. Still, the Virgin America portal home page contains a beautiful photo of two models on a plane with two MacBooks Pro:

At the beginning of the year, we commented here on MacMagazine about a Japanese New Yorker who had created a song about Apple, parody of You’re Beautiful, by James Blunt. What we don't know (thanks for the tip, Mrcio Pimenta!) that she had already created another video about Ma, very funny too:

(youtube) (/ youtube)

Mac Daddy another HappySlip production.

Finally, the Pavlo was zapping through the channels (let's believe so, hehe) when he came across a boy in the audience of the program Everything Possible, from Rede Record (presented by Eliana). Your shirt says: “sePod? iPod ”. He took two photographs of the moment:

(Required to all for the collaborations!)