Learn the history of SUSE Linux

Today you will learn the story behind one of the most important and successful Linux distributions ever, SUSE Linux

The openSUSE Story

How was openSUSE created?

Today we brought you one more super documentary to get you acquainted with the history of the main Linux districts and today we will know a little more about SUSE Linux and all its creation history.

As commented on the video above, Novell provides an online tool for customizing openSUSE, and we have produced a really cool video to introduce you to the tool:

System Marketing

If there's one thing I always repeat that for the success of Linux on the desktop, marketing investment is required, and Novell has done it with openSUSE a few times.

One of the memorable marketing campaigns for me that was made for openSUSE, check out:

Very cool, isn't it? = D

And you already tested or use openSUSE, what is your opinion about the system?

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