Lawyer Digital Identity: what and how the document works | Productivity

The Brazilian Bar Association (OAB) launched in early February the OAB Digital Wallet application for Android and iPhone (iOS). Identification can replace the physical wallet, eliminating the need to carry the printed version in hands, which makes it easier for lawyers. The validation of the portfolio is due to the amendment of article 32 of the General Regulation of the Law of the Law. The app was developed by the Federal Council's Information Technology department and can be downloaded for free.

READ: CRLV digital has 2 million users; see app features

The application is part of the group of digital documents such as e-Ttulo, Student ID and CNH Digital that has been widely used in the daily lives of Brazilians. Want to know more about the OAB Digital Wallet and how to issue it? Check it out below.

Find out how to issue your electronic document Photo: Marcela Franco / dnetcFind out how to issue your electronic document Photo: Marcela Franco / dnetc

Find out how to issue your electronic document Photo: Marcela Franco / dnetc

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The OAB Digital Wallet is a digital document that contains all the data of the lawyer's physical portfolio. The application dispenses with the use of the printed wallet in hands and to issue it just download the software on the smartphone and go through the authentication phases.

The app was created to facilitate the need to use the printed document. This is another step on the path of OAB Digital with less spending, more efficiency and protection of the environment, said OAB vice president, Luiz Viana Queiroz to the OABPR portal.

The OAB Digital Wallet is not the first digital document in the country, this trend has increased in recent years. Brazil has a wide variety of wallets online and it is possible to issue them the same way, downloading the app and authenticating the data and information. CRVL, Work Permit, Student Permit, Driver License and Voter Certificate are some of the documents that the user can issue by cell phone and which replace the printed version.

Application allows you to issue the OAB Digital Wallet Photo: Divulgao / OAB Digital WalletApplication allows you to issue the OAB Digital Wallet Photo: Divulgao / OAB Digital Wallet

Application allows you to issue the OAB Digital Wallet Photo: Divulgao / OAB Digital Wallet

The OAB Digital Wallet functions as the printed document, and now lawyers will be able to show their digital wallet, when necessary, instead of using the printed version. The professional must download the app and fill in the requested information and follow the step by step to validate the document.

The issue of the document by the free application. However, it is only possible to make the Digital Wallet who has the physical document. Each state charges specific values ​​for the printed version in So Paulo, for example, the monthly fee R $ 306.29 monthly. In Mato Grosso do Sul, the price is R $ 101.82 per month.

Digital card has legal value Photo: Divulgao / OAB Digital WalletDigital card has legal value Photo: Divulgao / OAB Digital Wallet

Digital card has legal value Photo: Divulgao / OAB Digital Wallet

4. How to issue the OAB Digital Wallet?

To issue the OAB Digital Wallet, I need to download the application and then fill in the data (name, affiliation, date of birth, place of birth, RG, CPF, photo and signature). After this step, the system will forward a code for authentication by email or SMS on the cell phone registered with the National Registry of Lawyers (CNA). Therefore, it is important to check if the registration data is up to date.

After double authentication, the professional can access the registrations, both the main and the supplementary ones, and choose which electronic document he wants to generate. The lawyer can issue the digital wallet of all his registrations in the OAB.

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How to register CNH Digital and activate on the services portal

How to register CNH Digital and activate on the services portal