Is it worth using Android optimizers?

This is certainly one of the most controversial topics in the world of mobile devices that use Android as their operating system. It is controversial because you will find people who swear that they work (or that one in specific works) and others who will say that all these Apps are apps to fool the most layman. True or not, it ended up creating a real market around this kind of application.

Android Optimizers

Because of all the controversy surrounding the subject, I will try to approach it as impartially as I can, giving examples and showing data.

Since there are so many Android Maintenance Apps, it's complicated to talk about all but generalizing, what they usually promise is just these 4 things:

– Clean up background processes (freeing memory)

– Close programs that are using processors a lot

– Free up space by removing obsolete files.

– Promise to extend battery life

For me the biggest problem with most Apps in this regard is not whether they do what they promise or not, but how they try to achieve these goals. Apart from the space-clearing cache and data-cleaning Apps, which in my opinion are more justifiable, the others end up wiping out Android memory, which may end up having the opposite result.

I explain.

Maybe if you understand how Android is designed to work, you will understand how useful these cleaning applications are eventually and can even harm your device over time.

The first step is to understand a little more about Linux memory management, as Android uses it as a kernel.

Google designed Android to work like this, there is no miraculous App that will turn a device with modest hardware into something amazing, take it out of your head.

In the video below I explain all the details about how these Apps work and show some examples of some that I believe are really useful for you to have on your device.

Although I have my opinion on the subject based on some facts that I consider relevant I will not give the discussion closed, after all, new things can always come up. I would love to hear your thoughts on the subject.

Use the comments below to participate! See you next time!

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