iPhone X is one of today's toughest smartphones

The famous endurance tests They have already become an essential part whenever there are smartphone releases. After all, knowing if the device you own or want to buy can withstand some impacts as primordial as knowing its price and functionality.

Because of the importance of this kind of testing, Tom’s Guide brought together 12 of today's most popular smartphones to debut in its first annual drop test, the Drop Everything. The intention was to evaluate the resistance of the devices in everyday situations, and the result was very interesting.

The toughest appliance station in the world got the Motorola Moto Z2 Forcewith your screen ShatterShield “Unbreakable”, which survived unscathed several falls both directly on wood and concrete, at a height of 1.8m, and even a dip in the toilet.

O LG X Venture took second place and surprisingly the iPhone X it was third in the ranking, faring better than the competition even though it is all coated with glass. He suffered some cracks but kept working well.


iPhone X


The screen remained virtually intact, with almost no sharp edges, except in the upper left corner, where part of the screen came loose. After the toilet test, the phone turned on and off repeatedly for a few minutes, but resumed normal operation after that.

Not whenever the iPhone X comes out unharmed, however; if you checked the coverage of the launch of the device here in , saw that the device did not do so well in our drop tests.


iPhone 8


iPhone SE

Being the opposite total of flagship Apple's iPhone 8, which managed to last well until it reached the 1.8m drop test, when its screen not only broke, as it did not work more properly.

But it wasn't just the most expensive gadgets that were tested; O iPhone SE also came into play and went to lose. The small notable achieved the feat of being last in the ranking, because his screen broke so much in the 1.2m test that the guys preferred not to proceed to the higher height test because they considered it “too dangerous to use” ( if it were under normal circumstances, this).

Tom's Guide Fall TestAppliance final scores, 0 to 10

O Tom’s Guide rated the 12 smartphones based on the extent of the damage, as well as the distance each phone survived the tests.

If you would like to know more about how the tests were performed and how they got to the above scores, check out the details in the original publication.

via Apple World Today