iOS aims to be more open in the future, says Tim Cook CEO of Apple

Next version of iOS open to developers

Do the systems of iPhones and iPads run behind Android?

One of the things Android and Linux users like (and extol) in this type of system is the great possibility of customization and manageability that the system has, thinking about it, according to TheAllThingsD news, Tim Cook, Apple CEO, says that in the future Apple could be more open to open the developer operating system just as Google did with Android. Tim Cook - Apple CEO

But it seems, no drastic changes, such as using Facebook Home will be possible, as it says: "Users pay us to make decisions for them"

Not for nothing, but this kind of initiative will not shake and nothing Android, I think cool for iPhone users, who knows the product even better, yes I consider iOS a good system, but nothing makes me more frustrated than a statement like that.

What do you mean I pay you to make decisions for me?!?!

In practice that's what happens, which I don't understand as some might really like it. I know there are users of all kinds, but honestly I don't understand.

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