Infographic: iPhone 4S emits more radiation than the Samsung GALAXY S III

We do not see, feel, smell or perceive, but many electromagnetic waves are passing through us right now. Wi-Fi routers, cell phones, Bluetooth devices and many others are distributing radiation in the world we live in constantly.

We will not become bugs with seven heads, nor superpowered mutants, but overexposure to radiation can harm our health. That is why each device must be approved by ANATEL (National Telecommunications Agency) here in Brazil or by the FCC (Federal Communications Commision) in the United States, in order to be sold in these countries.

Based on SAR (Specific Absorption Rate, or Specific Absorption Rate), which measures how much radiation the body absorbs with the use of the device, the infographic produced by tawkon shows us that the iPhone 4S emits far more radiation than some of its competitors. The rate, it is worth noting, measured in watts per kilogram.

I would be more worried if I had a BlackBerry.

Although it seems high, the rate emitted by the iPhone 4S is within FCC and ANATEL standards: 1.6W / kg and 2W / kg, respectively. But when analyzing the table produced by Teleco with numbers from ANATEL, we see that Apple has made a big leap in this regard since the iPhone 3G, in which the SAR reached 1.68W / kg.

A tawkon app helps the user to protect himself from radiation, alerting when the level emitted by the cell phone is high and showing how to lower it. Unfortunately, the app was vetoed by Steve Jobs and is not available on the App Store, but the owners of jailbroken iGadgets you can download it through Cydia.

Hopefully Apple will evolve in this regard, as the consequences of radiation emitted by cell phones are still quite uncertain: – /

(via Cult of Android)