In less than 48 hours, iOS 9 adoption already exceeds 20%

So far, Apple has not updated its official iOS usage chart:

Official iOS usage chart

On September 14, a few days before the official launch of iOS 9, the usage divide between the versions of the operating system (excluding of course those who were already using betas and the iOS 9 GM) was 87% for iOS 8 , 11% for iOS 7 and 2% for earlier.

While Apple does not generate a new graph, the Mixpanel brings us statistics in real time:

IOS 9 Adoption Chart

According to data collected by her, at this moment iOS 9 has surpassed 20% of adoption and that in less than 48 hours of its official release. IOS 8 is at 71.5%, and all previous versions add up to around 8.5%.

Comparatively, here's the current state of Android:

Adoption of Android versions

Yes, iOS 9 is already overcoming the adoption of Lollipop launched last year.

Among readers of , the numbers are surprising: 59.5% are already on iOS 9, 19.3% on iOS 8.4.1, 8.1% on iOS 9.1 (!), 5.3% on iOS 8.4, 2.6% on iOS 8.3 and earlier versions add up to 5.2%.

For those who have already upgraded to iOS 9 or are about to upgrade, be sure to check out our FAQ.

(via TechCrunch)