iFixit puts its hand in the "disposable" AirPods and finds a possible culprit for their delays [atualizado]

It is already written in the announcement / release cycle of a new Apple product: days after its availability to consumers, iFixit He goes there and puts his care, but we put our hands on the animals to dissect them to the last consequences and analyze their internal structures. It was no different with the newly released AirpodsAs hard as it is to get a pair of them.

IFixit disassembly of AirPods

Despite the endurance test we talked about earlier today, in which Apple's wireless headphones did very well, iFixit's verdict was not as positive about accessories as it has been, by the way, with basically all the Apple products for a while c.

According to the company, the headphones are basically “disposable” in the sense that it is virtually impossible to recycle or repair them anyway, the internal engineering they describe as a consistent “mess” of absolutely tiny, glue-filled circuits. and solder on all sides. Simply opening both the AirPods and their recharging case completely destroyed them, with no possibility of recovery.

IFixit disassembly of AirPods

Looking at the inside of the accessory, the firm found that the AirPods' batteries, located in the “stem” of the headphones, are really tiny, with a capacity of a mere 93mWh on each side, just over 1% of the battery capacity of one. iPhone, which makes its five hours of operation at impressive. The case holds an approximately 16 times larger 1.52Wh battery, which should be sufficient to recharge both AirPods about eight times.

Speaking of the case, it found a possible reason for the repeated delays in delivering AirPods: the STMicroelectronics ARM chip that controls the box's operations was fraught with “quality issues” in its welds and voids in unexpected places, leading to iFixit to believe that there was the engineering problem that cost a few weeks after the release of the accessory.

IFixit disassembly of AirPods

Overall, iFixit gave AirPods a zero repairability rating of 0 out of 10 Possible points. While I'm suspecting that the biggest problem new phone owners face will have to do more with lost, accidentally popped parts, it is good to keep in mind that your shiny new pair of AirPods won't survive any defects whatsoever. in other words, it broke, it changed.

Update by Rafael Fischmann · 12/20/2016 s 20:47

IFixit has now also published a video from teardown: