How to tell if your bus is coming with Google Maps | Maps and location

Google Maps now shows the times when buses will pass at stopping points. This way, the person can know from the app if the transportation will be delayed, through estimates displayed in minutes, besides the possible reasons. The feature is available in the Android and iPhone (iOS) versions of users from Brasilia, Recife and Salvador, initially using information from local transportation agencies and passengers. Check out the following tutorial on how to use Google Maps to find out if the bus is coming to your stop.

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How to tell if your bus is coming with Google Maps

How to tell if your bus is coming with Google Maps

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Step 1. Open Google Maps and enter your destination location in the top field. Then in the bottom menu, tap the Routes button;

Searching for a place on Google Maps Photo: Reproduo / Rodrigo FernandesSearching for a place on Google Maps Photo: Reproduo / Rodrigo Fernandes

Searching for a place on Google Maps Photo: Reproduo / Rodrigo Fernandes

Step 2. From the top menu, select the bus icon to view the route using public transportation. You will see the available line options and ticket prices. Tap an option to open its details. You will see which bus is closest and how long it will take to reach you;

Google Maps shows how long the bus takes to get to a stop Photo: Reproduo / Rodrigo FernandesGoogle Maps shows how long the bus takes to get to a stop Photo: Reproduo / Rodrigo Fernandes

Google Maps shows how long the bus takes to get to a stop Photo: Reproduo / Rodrigo Fernandes

Step 3. Tapping on the travel time, you will be able to see all the stops that the bus passes to the end of the route;

Google Maps shows all stopping points that buses pass during the route Photo: Reproduo / Rodrigo FernandesGoogle Maps shows all stopping points that buses pass during the route Photo: Reproduo / Rodrigo Fernandes

Google Maps shows all stopping points that buses pass during the route Photo: Reproduo / Rodrigo Fernandes

Ready. Take advantage of the tip to know the time your bus passes the stop.

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