How to take photos in sequence with the camera of the new iPhone SE

Do photos in series on the iPhone (in English, called burst mode) the act of, with just one touch, capturing several images in a moment and then choosing the best image. They are great for moving images, for example.

At the iPhone XS (2018), all you had to do was keep your finger on the button to take the photo, so that several images could be taken in series. But, with the arrival of iPhone 11 (2019), this behavior has changed, needing to make a different movement for the same function.

Apple recently launched the new iPhone SEIt is heavily based on the iPhone 8 hardware. But, contrary to what was imagined, the serial photo function did not follow the same pattern as the old model.

See in this article how to make photos in series (sequence) in the new iPhone SE.

Apple itself explains that with the introduction of the QuickTake on iPhone 11 and Pro, it was necessary to change the behavior of the photos in series, to include the new functionality. It allows you to make a video quickly right in Photo or Portrait mode, without having to switch to video motion.

QuickTake AppleQuickTake function on iPhone 11

The new iPhone SE also brings the function QuickTake, which would cause problems if the operation of the photos in series remained the same. Therefore, also in the new SE, you need to drag the photo button to the left to make serial photos.

As long as you hold the button to the left, it will take pictures in sequence. When released, the camera stops taking pictures.

To make a video directly from the photo camera (function QuickTake), just move in the opposite direction: drag the button to the right of the screen.

It is worth mentioning that this function is only active on models from the iPhone 11. Previous generations do not have this functionality.