How to see the lyrics in Spotify?

If you like listening to music, you probably know Spotify, one of the best services for listening to music online – check out our comparisons of Spotify vs Deezer, Spotify vs Apple Music and Spotify vs Youtube Music. That being the case, you may want to see the lyrics for Spotify.

With that in mind, we created an article where we covered all the main ways to do this, regardless of whether you use it from your smartphone, computer, or browser. Keep reading our article to find out what you need to know to see the lyrics for Spotify!

1. Natively by Spotify

The first of the ways to see the lyrics in Spotify is through the app itself on smartphones with Android or iPhone and iPad. This functionality, however, is not found in browser versions or desktop versions.

It's extremely easy to use and the process is the same regardless of what operating system your smartphone uses. To get started, open the Spotify application and choose any music you want to play. Then click on the"Playing now" at the bottom of the screen and scroll down to see the letter and story behind it.


Unfortunately, this functionality is found in a few artists and not even all of their music, making it quite incomplete and leaving much to be desired.

2. Using external applications on your smartphone

If you want to have access to all the lyrics through your smartphone, it's a great idea to download certain apps to see the lyrics in Spotify. Some of the most famous are Genius, Musixmatch, SoundHound and QuickLyric.

The first of these, Genius, offers lyrics of more than 1.7 million different songs, as well as a history of many of the songs. Strangely, Spotify's native tool uses this application, but has far fewer letters than it.

To see the lyrics on Spotify using Genius, first download the app for Android or iOS. Then open it and click“Enable Recently Played”. This will allow the music playing on Spotify to be recognized and you will be able to see the lyrics through the app.


To do this with QuickLyric, just open the application that the letters will appear on your screen, so you can follow them easily. Go to the official website to see more and download.

SoundHound is an excellent music recognition application, with which you can identify what is playing around you. You can also see the Spotify song lyrics you are listening to. Follow the link to download it.

Finally, we have Musixmatch, which is also the best solution for those who want to listen to Spotify on the computer and see the lyrics. To use, download the app through the link. Log in to the app, give the permissions you request, and then sign in to your Spotify account.

Musixmatch smartphone view lyrics on Spotify

3. View song lyrics on Spotify from computer

In order to see the lyrics through your computer, be it macOS or Windows, you need to use Musixmatch, one of the best apps for that. He has a partnership with Spotify where everything you touch on the desktop app will be recognized by Musixmatch, which will show the lyrics.

To use it a fairly simple process, almost the same for both operating systems. The first step is to go to the official website and download the application through the button.“Download for Desktop”. Then you will need to create an account. It can be created by logging in through Facebook or with your Google account.

Then you need to connect to Spotify so that Musixmatch has access to information about what is playing and you can see the lyrics of Spotify. You may have to login to Spotify; do that and click "Accept". You may need to restart both applications for this functionality to work.

Musixmatch PC 1 See lyrics on Spotify

Once you do this, everything you play through Spotify will be picked up by Musixmatch and the lyrics will all be shown to you on a relatively large screen, which can be reduced. You can choose the background color of this screen, change the font size, select whether you want to see the entire letter or just the part you are playing and more.

In addition, you can contribute to the application by changing the sync of the letters if they are wrong, correcting or even creating other versions.

Musixmatch PC 2 See lyrics on Spotify

4. View song lyrics on Spotify from browser

Spotify offers no official solution for those who want to use its web player, so users who depend on it have to resort to extensions for the best browsers. The best known is Lyrics Here by Rob W, which has versions for various browsers.

To use it, first install it in your browser via the link. Then you will need to open the Spotify web player and click on the extension icon, where you can see the lyrics of Spotify. If you wish, you can also open the lyrics in a new window so you can sing while working, for example.

And what do you think of our tips on how to see the lyrics on Spotify?

Leave us comments if we can solve your doubts about this or if you are still having some difficulty. Also tell if you were already using any of these applications or prefer another. Be sure to check out the best tips and tricks for Spotify.