How to listen to 2x faster audio messages on Telegram

From time to time it became very common for us to exchange audio messages using iMessage or communication apps like WhatsApp and Telegram. Whether it's moving (preferably walking, not driving) or speaking easier than typing huge text, this method is very practical and better than a conventional call, as everyone listens and answers when they want / can.

The problem, of course, that some abuse. Then, out of nowhere, you get that 8-minute audio from the partner and you want to send him to go pick me up. Well, the good news is that, at least not TelegramYou can hear this same message in just 4 minutes which is far more reasonable.

The feature appears in the top bar of Telegram as soon as you play some audio message. V the cone “2X”, there in the upper right corner? Touching it makes the audio play twice as fast and surprisingly remains fully understandable. The people who enjoy podcasts are already quite used to it.

2x audio on Telegram

This feature has been on Telegram for iOS since late June, when it came out with its 4.8.3 release, but yesterday it also came to Telegram for macOS, in its 4.4.1 release.

The operation on Mac is exactly the same:

2x audio on Telegram

Aside from saving you a lot of time with this, the feature also guarantees good laughs. Some accelerated audios are hilarious! 😂

Telegram Messenger app icon

Telegram app icon