HealthFace app: customize your Apple Watch with the health information that's most relevant to you

IOS 10 brought many improvements to the Sade app (Health), but it may still be a while before we find information inside it; on Apple Watch, the possibility of viewing this data does not even exist. Not natively, of course, but there’s an app for that!

If you would like to consult the most important health information for you on your watch, the HealthFace helps you with that task.

HealthFace app icon

Created by Crunchy Bagel, the app allows you to customize the displays on your Apple Watch according to your needs, in order to make it easier to view the health information that matters most to you.

On iOS, the app shows you all the data present in your Sade app (on the device), without saving it anywhere else. In it, the information is divided into 9 categories, which show 81 different types of data including weight, blood pressure, sleep, heart rate, among many others.

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<p>As soon as you start the app on the iPhone, you will see all the displays available on your Apple Watch. And here's some good news: you can disable those you don't use. With 11 different dials, you can replace the options each one shows (in the smallest or largest spaces), choosing which relevant information from the 81 you want to see on your watch. When you choose a type, you can configure whether you want only the icon and information to appear, whether you want to leave the unit of measure or not, and some more details.</p>
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.ai-rotate {position: relative;}
.ai-rotate-hidden {visibility: hidden;}
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There is something that can be a little annoying, however: when you change a display with the information you want, automatically the other displays also add that complication; the same is true if you remove a complication from one of the dials (it disappears from all the others). Unfortunately, this is a limitation of watchOS itself, not an option for creators.

If you liked it, enjoy HealthFace for just $ 1!

(via MacStories)