Happy Birthday: 20 years of Slackware!

Slackware completes twenty years of existence

Twenty years ago the first stable release of Slackware Linux was released.

s 17:21 of July 16, 1993, Patrick J.Volkerding announced the release the first stable release of Slackware Linux. Slackware Logo

Slack, as its users call it, a Linux distro that follows the "KISS" concept, Keep it simple stupid, ie the concept of being as simple as possible.

Among the characteristics of Slack is being a system with virtually no graphical interface configuration tools, of course, today there are utilities to leave the Slack easier to use as slackpkg and pkgtool allow the user to install programs without worrying as much about dependencies as Debian APTbefore that, the user would need to install the dependencies manually.

This makes the Slackware Linux distribution particularly suitable for advanced users who want to learn more about Linux.

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