Google offers doctor-reviewed disease search results

Use Google to do some average queries not exclusively for Brazilians. According to the company, about 1% of all users who access the searcher do this type of research, for disease symptoms and forms of treatment. Now, in partnership with medical experts, Google is reviewing the results for disease symptom related searches. Learn more below.

The new change is Google's effort to provide users with more accurate results. Last year, Big G was already working in partnership with Hospital Israelita Albert Einstein, which reviewed the results that were displayed when the user searched for diseases in the search engine.

Now, however, this project has been expanded and more doctors are reviewing the results and their relevance. The user can even download a PDF with all the details about the disease, treatment, average age and other very interesting statistical data.

No search on Google, no matter how good the results, replaces a medical query in case of illness.

In addition to the results, panels will be displayed when the user searches for more typical diseases at the first moment, such as headache. Remember that Google was showing different results for disease meanings, which was already part of this project.

diseases google search brazil
Migraine Search Results Panel / AndroidPIT

According to Google, Brazil is the first country to win this adapted solution, where not only the meaning of diseases appear differently, but also the most appropriate form of treatment.

. (tagsToTranslate) Google (t) results disease (t) results symptoms (t) medical result Google (t) search for diseases on Google