Google marks Inbox by Gmail death date: April 2

The amazing saga of Inbox by GmailGoogle's proposal to revolutionize the miserably failed email had already been announced since last September, which has certainly caused many of its (few) users to leave the service before his death. Now the Mountain View giant has announced specifically when the plug will be pulled: day April 2nd.

Inbox by Gmail

As noted in Reddit, Inbox users began receiving yesterday alerts that the service will be permanently shut down in 15 days; that is, doing the math on the second day of April. Coincidentally or not, this is also the day when the ill-fated Google+ will leave life and enter history.

Despite the sadness of seeing an experimental email app with some (some) good ideas go down the drain, good to note that Google has incorporated certain more successful Inbox features directly into Gmail. If you still use the dying platform, you may be able to find yourself in the Mountain View giant's other application that is much more "squared" in its approach to email, but undeniably works very well. If Gmail doesn't work for you, we have a complete comparison of email clients that might interest you. 😉

Anyway R.I.P. ⚰️

Gmail app icon: Google Email