Google Maps turns 15 and gets new icon

Source: Blog GoogleSource: Blog Google

Soon the Google Maps application turns 15 years old. To celebrate, Google released an update to the app that changes the icon for the geolocation service. In addition to changing the software logo, small graphic changes were made, in addition to adding some more features.

Launched on February 8, 2005, Google Maps was designed to assist people when traveling by foot or car or bicycle or path. Currently it is used for various activities that help from mobility to leisure, indicating, for example, good restaurants to eat.

The main change in Google maps was the application icon

The biggest change of all was the application icon, as mentioned above. Previously, there was a bottom that referred to city streets with a red pin stuck in it and the letter G above in the left corner. There is now a white background and just a colored pin with Google colors in the center.

New Google Maps coneNew Google Maps cone

Another change received in the app are two tabs that have been added at the bottom of the app's home screen, "contribute" and "updates", in addition to replacing the "for you" tab with the "saved" tab. The reason for these changes is in the new features that have been added to the application, which have a greater focus on users' collaborative content and the ability to follow others who use the platform. With this new layout, the features that the company wants to have more attention, are more in view instead of being hidden in the side menu tab.

New layout with small changes in Google Maps. Source: TheVergeNew layout with small changes in Google Maps. Source: TheVerge

New features for Maps have also been announced by Google. However, they will not reach the beginning of March.

The first feature is the increase in crowdsourcing information (collaborative contribution of knowledge between users) for public transport. Previously, Maps allowed the user to know only if a train or bus is full, however, with the new update, it will be possible to have access to other details such as temperature, accessibility for wheelchair users, whether there is transportation for women or security on board.

Another tool that is coming is called Live View, which uses augmented reality. Through it, you can use your smartphone camera to know step by step where you should go and where your final destination is.

Live View on Google Maps. Source: TheVergeLive View on Google Maps. Source: TheVerge

The new icon should come with the update launched today from Google Maps, however the new public transport information and Live View will be added in the next month.

Source: The Verge

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