Gmail: Adding Images to Message Bodies

When sending an e-mail with a college paper containing some illustrations to that bag teacher, users often wish they could add the images directly to the text rather than attaching them.

In this case, the layout can make all the difference because visually it is much nicer to view the images along with the text than to have to look for which of the attached images was referenced by that text. See attached image [1].

In addition to the above, although Gmail is designed for non-commercial use, it is well known that, as with other email services, many companies make use of Gmail as a way of contacting their customers. Noteworthy is the use by small and medium-sized companies, as well as self-employed professionals. And in this case, many would like to be able to insert the company logo in their Gmail signatures.

Thinking about the needs of both users, I decided to set up a video lesson, where I teach, step by step, how to insert images in the body of the email, using the feature Inserting images of Labs, and how to create links from them. Finally, I teach how to insert images in signatures, making use of the Default answersalso from Labs.

In what kind of situation can you make use of such features?

For a better experience with the video, I recommend, as far as possible, that it be viewed in HD and in full screen. :]

As I said in the video lesson, I based myself on the tutorial Inserting images, by Den, Gmail Master, to create it.

Post idea sent by reader Vanderlei feyth, by email. If you also have any cool post tips you would like to see on Google Discovery, please send it to contact@googlediscovery.