Get ready now for Valentine’s Day in June

Blog do iPhone

Valentine's Party on the App StoreBrazil is one of the only countries in the world where the Valentine’s Day (Valentine’s day) is not celebrated today, February 14, but in June. I didn’t get to do a research on the because of this, but I bet it has to do with the carnival season, where many temporarily end their courtship to skip the revelry more freely…

Valentine's Day on the App Store

This can now become an advantage for us Brazilians. As a seasonal party, the price of many apps fall one day after the event, just like with the Christmas and with those related to Obama election. It is not a rule, but a trend.

So, if you want to prepare a surprise for your / your love in June without spending a lot, get ready now with the apps that become cheaper (or even free). Apple made a selection on iTunes of everyone to do with the theme, which makes it much easier to search. Take a look, see the ones you like and follow up to see if he will no longer be in account from tomorrow.

And if you find one that’s very good, tell it here for everyone to enjoy. ?